Finally after more than 2 years I was able to visit the kids and teachers from Isuru again. It was a warm and emotional welcome. So nice to see all these happy faces again although none of the kids recognised me, maybe a few that have had older brothers or sisters in the school. In dec we had good hopes that we would finish the new extension building in April but due to external factors we had to adjust planning to june. I would like to explain to you what the situation is. Sri Lanka is currently facing a major shortage of Diesel. The government has no money and the full tankers from the Arab Emirates lie off the coast waiting for payment so that they can deliver. That could take a while. In the meantime, the residents suffer greatly because most of the trucks run on diesel and the generators also run on diesel. The result is Power Cuts on average 5 hours a day, which has made life and work very complicated. There is also a shortage of building materials due to Covid and especially the shortage of cement is playing tricks on our project. In addition, the interior walls, which were already standing, suddenly showed cracks and on closer inspection it was decided that this was not acceptable and the contractor has taken his loss and will rebuild all walls with new, better materials.
But there is also good news! † The contractor will cover all extra costs, so we stay within budget. † A week after my visit they had already restarted the walls and as shown in the above pictures it looks like we are making progress again, walls are up again. All window frames and doors have been ordered and the planning for the summer holidays is feasible. † The school is thriving and we have welcomed a new group of 3-year-olds. This is the first time we are going to teach this age group. The teacher on the group has extensive experience with this age and is super motivated to give these kids an even better start as soon as they enter first grade. Part of the Big Hall is decorated for them.
† On my first day of my visit I had a zoom call with my Sri Lankan partner Mr Krishantha with Sandra & Annelieke from Net4kids about possible large donation for Isuru. Net4kids is an organization that makes social entrepreneurship easy. And with which you concretely invest in the next generation. They match companies with a concrete child aid project in Africa of Asia, and ensure that these children have a future and the opportunity to develop. Both ladies were very impressed with Isuru and are hopeful that one of their clients will support us. Our project plan is presented to the client at the beginning of April. This again provides continuity.
† Teachers are looking for a local 'trainee' or 'volunteer' to manage the new extension building as we want it to be open after school for parents to access the computer lab and library. To be continued. Ayubowan